➤ 企业、财富维度:个人退休规划及企业家族传承;
➤ 个人维度:养老问题(财富安排)及精神生活(心理健康);
2022年11月24日(周四)下午,IfFP财富管理专业培训中心邀请了瑞士财务规划师协会主席Reto Spring为大家带来【高收入人士的退休规划和财富管理】,Reto Spring老师拥有瑞士财务规划高等教育研究生文凭(财务规划专家)和注册财务规划师(CFP)执照。他曾在一家大型金融服务公司担任了14年的财务规划师和高管,自2017年以来一直为医生和企业家提供独立的收费咨询服务,主要以退休规划为重点。他已担任了十多年的瑞士财务规划师协会主席,2022年,他与其他人合著了一本财务规划书籍《方向而非货币量》(Orientation instead of Reto Spring),同时也是IfFP财富管理专业培训中心的常驻讲师和专栏作家。
想了解讲座当天有哪些干货不容错过,Reto Spring老师已经为大家做好关于退休规划的预习要点,来看老师的精彩分享吧。
以下为Reto Spring老师的本次分享全文
以下为Reto Spring老师的原稿
High earners who are heading towards retirement from active work life have luxury problems from the point of view of average earners: As a rule, they have more income and assets than they need to maintain their standard of living beyond retirement. However, having more assets than you can consume yourself also brings with it responsibilities, obligations, tasks and risks. Anyone who has spent a lifetime successfully building up and running a company may find it difficult to simply hand over the fate of his or her life's work to other hands. Positively viewed, it can be liberating to turn to a new phase of life and once again tackle new projects.
At first sight, retirement planning comprises the purely technical aspects: financial planning, tax planning, estate planning, etc. However, there is another, psychological side: Is a client ready for retirement from his or her personal perspective?
The transition from working life to retirement is often associated with fears of losing identity, control, influence, and even the meaning of life and its raison d'être. This psychological component leads to ambivalence, so that seemingly "perfect" retirement plans are postponed or implemented only with delay or piecewise. In corporate succession planning, it is 80% human factors that determine success or failure. Therefore, sufficient consideration must be given to the balance of decisions in the retirement planning of high earners.
So instead of starting with the technical questions "What has to be done?", the first questions are "Why is money important to me? How does it define me, my life? How can it have a positive impact on my life? How can my wealth add to my quality of life?“
Obviously, having no money makes people unhappy and impairs life expectancy. Conversely, there is the "wealth paradox" that money has a decreasing or even negative marginal utility: High wealth can make life satisfaction fall and lead to loneliness and depression: "The bigger the mansion, the higher the fence“.
A lifetime spent running on the hamster wheel according to the motto "time is money". At some point, the cognition arises: prosperity is always relative, one's own time is limited and the last shirt has no pockets. Thus, the question arises how money can be transformed back into time.
In this seminar we address aspects such as early retirement, international change of residence, asset protection of assets and their transfer to future generations. As a high earner, how can I respond to challenges such as de-globalization, currency crises, sovereign debt and inflation? Switzerland is a small country with no commodities, but manages a quarter of the world's offshore assets and organizes half of the commodity trade such as gold, oil or coffee...What can you learn from Swiss wealth management to protect your assets?
Wealth is the ability to do something. That's why we also devote ourselves to the aspect of how you can use wealth to maximize your own quality of life. Money is time and enables strategies for time off, flexible retirement and life as a private individual. Financial planning is only useful if it is put into practice. Therefore, the speaker emphasizes simplicity, transparency, clarity, and controllability. Combined with your own values, attitudes, and experiences - because you are the best expert for your own life.
About Reto Spring
Reto Spring holds a Swiss Postgraduate Diploma of Higher Education in Financial Planning (Financial Planning Expert) and a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) license.
Reto worked as a financial planner and executive for a large financial services provider for 14 years and has been working as an independent fee-based advisor for physicians and entrepreneurs with a focus on retirement planning since 2017.
He is Chairman of the Swiss Financial Planners Association for more than ten years, lectures at Swiss educational institutions relevant to financial planning and publishes regularly. In 2022, he co-authored a financial planning book titled "Orientation instead of Moneypulation".
Reto Spring is also a regular lecturer and columnist for the IfFP Swiss Wealth Management Professional Training Center.
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