尽管目前在中国开展智能投顾的条件尚未成熟,但是长期来看,随着互联网金融的快速发展,机器人投资顾问迟早也会在中国推广、普及开来。在财富管理已经领先全球的瑞士在这方面不仅有足够的经验,同时在金融科技、智能投顾等方面的探索也早已开展。围绕这个大家关注的趋势,IfFP财富管理专业培训中心特别邀请瑞士金融规划师协会主席——Reto Spring先生,和大家分享关于机器人投资顾问的一些看法,以及目前在欧洲、瑞士智能投顾业务的开展模式与思考。
Robo-advisors charge low portfolio management fees and offer a range of services and a variety of portfolio options. Thanks to artificial intelligence they might include in the near future individual advice for personal finance and tax strategies. Will they one day completely replace financial planners?
Personal consultation is still the gold standard, so access to human advisors can therefore be added for a fee with almost all robo advisors. A recent study from Germany looked at 40 robo-advisors to see how accurately they matched customer profiles, what performance and loss protection they delivered, and - last but not least - what service the people behind the robo-advisors provided (IVA July 2022). However, because three quarters of all providers received awards and the short-term performance figures were overweighted, the test is not very meaningful.
However, it was found that over 75% already operate sustainably or at least allow the selection of an ESG portfolio. In terms of service, i.e. also the possibility of human advice, there were large differences and no provider achieved the maximum score. The costs were on average 1% of the invested sum - the market leaders in the USA charge fees that range from 0 to 0.25%. Stock saving is not yet as widespread in Germany, which is why there is still a lot of potential here. The situation is different in Switzerland, where saving in equities is more widespread and costs have already fallen to 0.25% - 0.5%.
In addition to the trend toward sustainability, there is a tendency for providers not to rely on purely passive strategies but to actively manage portfolios. However, it remains to be seen whether the promised benefits will prove themselves over the long term and justify the additional costs. In the area of traditional funds, most reputable studies have shown for years that an active manager does not succeed in forecasting and sustainably beating the market over the long term.
The inflows into passive investments have confirmed this picture for years. Therefore, a future strategy of robo advisors could also be to offer customers an additional (fee-based) service that goes beyond the pure investment process. For example, a provider could differentiate itself from the competition by arranging for financial planning or tax advice from certified advisors. Or by offering general educational content on "financial wellness" as an additional service.
Provided there are open interfaces, there should also be nothing to prevent the inclusion of other assets, so that customers could use their own "financial cockpit" online. Financial planners would be well advised not only to familiarize themselves with the new technology, but also to actively use it as a useful tool in their advisory services. After all, their customers are already using it!
9月15日,Reto Spring将在线上和大家深度分享关于智能投顾的更多精彩内容。想了解更多瑞士专家分享的财富管理经验,欢迎关注我们的官方平台报名参加,或联系课程顾问咨询了解。
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